x86 calling convention
Note : While the title of the Folder is Linux Stuff
, I am filing this article, which is about x86 architecture in general, under Linux stuff for now
Also a good source for understanding how a stack is pushed/popped and the calling convention.
What is a calling convention ?
A calling convention is a standardized way of passing function arguments and return values to and from function in x86 assembly.
Why do we need a calling convention ?
Interoperability. The operating system for eexample, provides a libc: [[[What is glibc
]], that is in the form of a dynamic library.
A lot of other libraries and opeerating systems provide functionality via shared or static libraries .dll
, .so
, .a
files etc.
The advantage of this format is you can use any language that can compile code to assembly to use these libraries.
But to do so, you need to know how to communicate with these dynamic libraries.
The calling convention is the protocol for applications to call into such shared library functions.
Calling convention depends on the version of the x86 architecture (32-bit vs 64 bit), and there are slightly different versions of Calling Conventions (cdecl, fastcall, slowcall, etc). More information here
Here let us take a look cdecl
and how it deals with the stack. This version deals with the 32-bit architecture
X86 basics
Memory is linear and addressed in terms of bytes. The Stack of a function grows towards lower addresses. The Heap of a the program grows higher.
Pushing and popping esp
esp -> Points to the top of he stack. esp is always aligned to a 4-byte address / 16? byte address (esp modulo 32 == 0)
push x
-> Pushes x
to the top of the stack
esp = esp - 4
Memory[esp] = x
pop target
pops the top of the stack into target
(register, or memory address)
Memory[target] (or target registry) = Memory[esp]
esp = esp - 4
Base Pointer
, or the Base pointer, points to the Base of a function’s stack.
Stack must be multiple of 8 aligned before doing a call
instruction, otherwise it will segfault.
Order of operands
Operands to functions are passed via registers. Registers are chosen as follows
- For integers and pointers,
. - For floating-point (float, double),xmm0
Return values
return values are stored in rax
or rdx:rax
in case of integers and xmm0
or xmm1:xmm0
in case of floats.
Interesting notes
LEA stands for load effective address. lea
doesnt manipulate (read or write to memory address), but is only used for calculating addresses, instead of add
or mul
Why ?
- Add cannot operate on 3 registers at once. Using
once can use the [Base Reg + N* Step REG + offset Reg] notation to calculate mem address and store it an anddress - Does not affect
as opposed toADD
When you see something like lea RDX, [RCX + 4 * RBX + RAX]
, ignore the []
. It is basically RDX = RCX + 4 * RBX + RAX