Steal My Ideas
I often come up with ideas on the kind of products I want to build, but a combination of not having enough time, laziness and procrastination has led me to not being able (yet) to build on them. So why should I just let them sit in my head ? Here, I present some of them. Do you find these interesting ? Give it a shot ? Made something based on it ? I would love to see them ! Want me to help you fix it, suggest improvements or help you code them up ? Reach out to me !
Decentralized Photo Manager
I am a photography nut and I would love to make this app happen
An AI photo manager for my local machine that I can use like Google photos - automatically find features and sort/collate photos based on the features. You tag A face and the app automatically combs through your photos and collects pics of that person Easy way to de-duplicate tonnes of your photos Adds the
feature of Google photos (which seems to be micro contrast) that makes the photos look so much better Adds a tilt/shift correction tool to photos (The only thing that I wish Google Photos would add, but hasn’t in the last 6 years) -
Better yet, store all of the photos of the user on an S3 bucket (or make the user bring his/her own bucket). Have the metadata of the photos on an sqlite database. User logs in to the server, server pulls the user’s sqlite file from an s3 bucket, user plays with the files and after the session is done, the updated sqlite file is synced into s3 (o.fcourse, the sql file is encrypted). The app no longer has to run a DB server and colocate all users data on the same server.
A webgpu accelerated photo viewer + editor to interact with this photo manager
History through Rivers
- an interactive map of the world showing the evolution of empires with rivers as the boundaries instead of borders. For millenia rivers have been the defining origins and extents of empires and most cities grew up on the banks or rivers. It will be an amazing idea to see empires rise and form alongside rivers on a map
There is a website that shows a scroll bar to select the century/ year and then shows the corresponding empires on the section of the map that the user has zoomed-in. This would be an interesting idea to do the same but with rivers
Splitwise Clone
A free expense management app like Splitwise, that is as a bonus, decentralized (similar to the photos idea I mentioned above)
3-D TODO Tree viewer
Why is every TODO app a boring 2-D version that deals with just a flat list ? Why can’t tasks on the list spawn sub-tasks and why just one sub-task when I can have sub-trees of them ? And why are all the interactions so boring and typical, when I could take a leaf out of Sci-Fi and interact with a 3-d version, like a video game, as seen in The Jurassic Park ?
SIMD visualizer
A webpage that simulates SIMD instructions and shows visually how the lanes in vectors are manipulated with each instruction.
An input text box takes a statement like uint32x4_t a = vaddq_u32(b, c);
and shows the layout of b, c, a and how the value changes when instructions are executed. Do this for plenty of instructions and get people to become familiar with SIMD programming.
K9s CLI on the web
My colleague showed me this tool and its absolutely amazing way to interact with kubernetes. However, I think it would be even more amazing if it were a web app, that can auto interact with Azure (as I use Azure at work), use my cookies to auhenticate with azure and interact with the kubernetes cluster right from my browser.