AVL Trees Part-1 What problem does AVL Tree solve?
Imagine you have a Binary Search Tree implementation and you are inserting elements in ascending order
[11., 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
Your Binary Search Tree would look like this
Your tree effectively turns into a Linear list with O(n) access, instead of O(h) access where h ~ log2(n)
This is an unbalanced tree and the more unbalanced a tree is, the more avg. access is O(n) instead log2(n)
(Similarly, if we are turning a descending sorted array into a Binary Search Tree, we will run into the mirror image of the above tree)
AVL Trees are a balanced tree, where after very insertion and deletion, we balance the tree if it becomes unbalanced.
By keeping a tree balanced
, we are ensuring that access remains as close to O(n) as possible
How do we know a tree is unbalanced ?
We use a value balanceFactor
to determine if a node is balanced or not.
Before we formulated balanceFactor
, recall that :
The height of the tree is the distance from the node to the lowest leaf in its left or right subtree.
The height of a leaf is 0
. height(leaf) -> o
The height of a null
leaf is also 0. height(null) -> 0
Height of a node = 1 + max(height(node.left), height(node.right))
balanceFactor = height(left_subtree) - height(right_subtree)
If the balanceFactor
is < -1 or > 1 , then the tree is unbalanced.
When we start with an empty tree, our tree is balanced. On every insert or delete, we insert/delete into the left or the right subtrees of a current node.
The insertion/deletion disturbs the existing balance of our tree, so we perform a check for each node in our path from the root, until the leaf node we inserted, if the node is balanced.
If any node is unbalanced, then we rebalance
that node
insert/delete(node, val):
if val < node.val:
node.left = insert/delete(node.left, val)
node.right = insert/delete(node.right, val)
balance = calculate_balance(node)
if balance < -1 or balance > 1 :
# rebalance
How do we do rebalance ?
There are 4 conditions that will cause rebalancing. We name them as Left Left Left right Right Right Right Left
- LL (Left Left)
The balanceFactor
of the root with key 14
, = height(left_subtree) - height(right_subtree)
height(left_subtree) = 2
height(right_subtree) = 0
> 1, so we rebalance.
Rebalancing this condition is done by a rightRotate
The rightRotate
of a node n
is as follows
def rightRotate(n):
left = n.left
left_right = left.right
new_root = left
new_root.right = n
n.left = left_right # since we moved n -> left.right, left.right -> n.left
return new_root
Our unbalanced
node n
14 13
13 ---> 12 14
12 10
of the root is now 1.
- RR (Right Right)
The balanceFactor
of the root with key 14
, = height(left_subtree) - height(right_subtree)
height(left_subtree) = 0
height(right_subtree) = 2
< -1, so we rebalance.
Rebalancing this condition is done by a leftRotate
def leftRotate(n):
right = n.right
right_left = right.left
new_root = right
new_root.left = n
n.right = right_left # since we changed n.right to root
return new_root
The leftRotate
turns out tree rooted at 14, to this:
14 15
\ / \
15 ----> 14 16
\ \
16 17
The next 2 conditions will need a combination of left and right rotates to rebalance.
- Left Right
In this situation, a single right rotation wouldn’t solve the problem. Why ? Lets try to do a simple LL fixup, which performs a rotateRight(18)
18 13
/ \
13 -----> LL(18) 18
\ /
14 14
\ \
16 16
is the new root. 18
becomes 13’s right. left_right
from rightRotate()
(14) become’s n.left
(18’s left). x
mark’s null
If we calculate the balanceFactor
of 13, it is now -2
instead of becoming 1. So doing a single rightRotate
in this case isn’t sufficient.
Since our case is a LR (Left of root, then right of left), we do a leftRotate
of n.left
, followed by a rightRotate
of n.
This will first turn LR -> LL, and then we can apply rightRotate
18 18 14
\ --> leftRotate(13) 14 --> rightRotate(18) -->. 13. 18
14 13. 16 x x 16. x
We now have a balanced Tree.
(We could have stopped after the leftRotate(13), the next insert of a value < 18 would have triggered a further rebalance. I think this is why the algorith now specifies an additional rightRotate of 18 so that we can insert a few more elements before have to rebalance)
- RL (Right Left)
Similar to LR, we cannot do just 1 rotation and fix this situation. Let us try to a simple leftRotate on 18 to see why
18 29
\ /
29 --RR(18)-> 18
/ \
27 27
/ /
22 22
Our balanceFactor
for the root is now still -2.
To solve this, we first do a rotateRight(29)
and then follow it up with a leftRotate(18)
18 18 27
\ \ / \
29 rightRotate(29) -> 27 leftRotate(18) ->. 18 29
/ / \ \
27 22 29 22